Beowulf Newsletter - III

Happy New Year
We hope you had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Forgive the delay since the last newsletter. 2023 has been an eventful year both in the world at large, and within our own spaces, meaning there has been a lot to do. We would like to thank all our subscribers for their continued support of Beowulf and its mission.
Your support provides a vital contribution to organization in our space, both through our outward initiatives and collaborations, such as Basketweaving and the Scyldings events, as well as behind the scenes.
In this newsletter we provide some updates on developments in Beowulf in 2023, and upcoming developments in 2024.
The Scyldings Events
We would also once again like to thank the Scyldings Event teams. Since our last newsletter the Scyldings UK event took place in August in Oxfordshire. Like the Nashville convention the Witan was a massive success, with over a hundred people coming from almost all inhabited continents to participate and forge relationships.
Keep in mind that if you want an event book from either the Nashville or Oxforshire events, with summaries of the speeches as well as additional essays, you can order it from the Scyldings website here:
We look forward to seeing you all again in 2024’s Scyldings events!
New Partnership
A major part of forging relationships in the context of Beowulf is our partnerships. We have partnerships with several popular influencers in our spheres to help with organization and outreach, and now we are ecstatic to announce a new partnership with Auron MacIntyre.
Auron MacIntyre is the host of “The Auron MacIntyre Show”, a columnist for Blaze News, and a popular tweeter, with tens of thousands of followers on each platform. He offers thought-provoking and mold-breaking insights, drawing from the best political thinkers throughout history to make sense of our current political climate in a way that is easy to digest.
You can review our other partnerships on the website here:
Wagner Day
Praxarchy recently helped organize Wagner Day. In line with previous initiatives such as Carlyle day, Wagner day provided an opportunity for the brilliant people in our space to contribute to discussion and analysis of culture and art, of course with emphasis on the day’s eponymous Richard Wagner.
You can view the whole Wagner day playlist, with appearances by Apostolic Majesty, Nathan CJ Hood, and many more here:
Upcoming livestream
Beowulf will be hosting its own livestream in the spring. The livestream will take place on March 30th at 10 am EST. Black Horse and J. Burden will be cohosts, giving organizers from Beowulf, influencers in our space and experts in specific fields the chance to discuss the future of the Beowulf Foundation's mission.
We will be presenting an exciting new report as well.
More information will be provided on Twitter in the coming weeks, but it’s not something you want to miss.
Praxarchy and Beowulf’s Premium Content
It has been an eventful year for Praxarchy, the one stop hub for dissident articles. Praxarchy got a new manager in Luddic Path, the Praxarchy youtube channel was launched, we celebrated the aforementioned Wagner Day, and most importantly the new website was launched with a substack aggregator. Praxarchy has made great strides in the last year and has become an immensely valuable tool for anyone wanting to keep on top of the latest discourse.
As many of you may be aware content aggregation was also planned to be provided by Beowulf, where a bundle premium subscription would allow members to access paywalled content from many different creators in the same place on Beowulf Foundation's own site. Unfortunately, we have not been able to develop this yet due to technical challenges. We are still working on solving these challenges, but at this point we cannot provide a prognosis on when this service might be available.
To consolidate our efforts, when this is available the service will most likely be provided on Praxarchy and not on Beowulf Foundation's own site. We understand of course that this may be disappointing to current subscribers. If you have any questions regarding your own membership or would like a refund, please feel free to contact us via the Scyldings Matrix:
Basketweaving Newsletter and Rebranding
Beowulf is in the business of laying foundations. Networks of high-quality men and women are the foundation of all the things we want to accomplish going forward. Basketweaving has been a vital part of this. We would like to thank all our Basketweavers for contributing to our events and helping to strengthen the network last year.
We also recently launched the Basketweaving newsletter for our all members where you can get the latest updates in one place. The first newsletter was sent out on December 12th 2023. The newsletter is accessible via Discord for now but soon a website will be up for this purpose.
We are naturally always improving Basketweaving, including our gatekeeping, screening, and of course the experience of the weavers. As a part of this Basketweaving will be getting a makeover, with a new brand name and logo. More information will come in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes open for that.
Need help with an event?
Outside of Praxarchy and Basketweaving, we are always looking to branch out with new initiatives. The Scyldings events have been well received. Naturally we want to support others with similar goals in their own efforts to organize events. Beowulf has the ability to provide custom software and solutions for event management, from bookings to organizational aspects. This can be particularly useful if you require a cost-effective, cancel-proof solution for your event management. Beowulf can also provide advice and support in organizing events. For more information, please contact our COO J. Greenriver on X(Twitter) or Matrix.
Call for Volunteers
Before leaving you, we would like to remind everyone that we are once again asking motivated centrists to volunteer with the Beowulf Foundation! We are already working on a slate of established projects like Scyldings, Basketweaving and Praxarchy. These projects are driven by our talented and hard-working volunteers but we want to do so much more!
If you are interested in volunteering your time to help the Beowulf Foundation don't hesitate to contact us! We are particularly interested in people who have skills related to the following tasks:
Web Development
Audio / Video editing
If you have any questions or are unsure if your skills relate to one of these subjects, please feel free to ask! Also, if you are looking to contribute but feel that you are not experienced in what we have listed do not worry; we have many different projects and we can always find a place for somebody who is motivated to volunteer!
Anyone looking to volunteer should get in touch with Sensible Esocentrist. He can be contacted on Matrix, (, on discord (sensibleesocentrist) or on twitter (@Esocentrist).
Thank you all again for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
J. Greenriver, COO, Beowulf Foundation